Gryphon's Cloud
Why are you here? Well, you clicked a link or typed an address. More specifically, you went to, and you reached this page instead of a 404 page. There's not a whole lot here except maybe some personal ramblings or other nonsensical information that I've decided to place on this page. Something you should know (and can probably see,) this was made for a screen with a much lower resolution that what you're using now. 150% on a 1920x1080 screen looks like it's about right for this template.
Where do we go now?
So...what to put here. That's really a good question, isn't it? I didn't necessarily have any plans for this site, I just liked the template and was playing with my webhost's "multiple domains on a single host plan" feature. Snce you're reading this, it worked. What does that mean? Not much, just that I learned something new. Wheee, right? This template is kind of old-school and weird, but this is a bird site and those are indeed birds at the top. They don't necessarily look like it, but they are, so here they are. It was either that, or the pig-themed wereboar stuff - but the birds are my first love and so it is. That's about all, but have you checked out The Adventures of Oinkbane the Wereboar? Just don't fall prey to his sneeeeeeeak aaaaaaaaaatack! (You couldn't read that silly link. Had to change the style sheet.)
This is the quote portion.
For some reason, a lot of these single page web templates had this space where you could quote something. Perhaps a testimonial to your widget, or a message from the founder of WidgetCo. So what did I put here? This is a very bad description of the space where you're supposed to put a quote. Not terribly meta, is it?